

Duan Yu comrades turn to the application form


Dear party organization:

   On December 23, 2017, at the Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, it was approved by the party organization to become a Communist Party probationary member. In the blink of an eye, the preparatory period is full. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Party Constitution, I solemnly filed a rectification application with the party organization, applied to become a full member of the Communist Party of China, and hoped that the party organization could approve my application.

   I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China and are willing to fight for the cause of communism for life. The Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, a faithful representative of the interests of the Chinese people, and the core of the leadership of China's socialist cause. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, thousands of Chinese people have gone from humiliation to pride, from eating too much to eating well, from humiliating and humiliating to independence, from almost no industrial capacity to the only one in the world that has all the industrial categories in the UN industry catalogue. The country has a growing influence from the absence of the right to speak on the world stage to the promotion of the Belt and Road, the establishment of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum and the launch of the first Expo. This further confirms the advanced nature of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, and Xi Jinping's characteristic socialism in the new era. It also proves that our party is capable of leading the people of the whole country to further prosperity and prosperity.

   In the past year, I have been active in my study and work, working hard, and strictly demanding myself as a qualified Communist Party member. I have also felt my own changes and growth in the past year, and I have also gained recognition from others. Brought joy. All of this has nothing to do with the party's guidance, teaching and spurs, and urges me to constantly improve myself and enrich myself.

    In terms of ideological and political aspects: Actively strengthen political study, in order to become a qualified Communist Party member as soon as possible, I use my spare time to study party history and party constitution, and study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, and the important thinking of the three representatives. Xi Jinping's characteristic socialism in the new era. Through the study of theoretical knowledge, establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, and strengthen the ideals and beliefs of communism. In the process of continuous social development, we will strengthen our sense of responsibility and mission, enhance the enthusiasm of our work, life and study, and contribute to the cause of the party.

   In life and work: In daily work and life, I strictly demand myself by the standards of party members, work proactively to complete the various tasks of leadership and maintain self-discipline and positive attitude in life. We are willing to help others, unite our colleagues, do our best to help those around us, actively communicate with colleagues in work and life, and embody the role of a party member. In this year, let me realize that as a party member, learning ability and expressive ability are very important. Learning to learn and communicate and express can help to improve my own thinking and improve my ability. Party member. After recognizing my shortcomings, I constantly reflect on myself and actively move closer to and learn from party members and comrades. I also recognize that as an operations specialist, communication and organizational skills are also indispensable. Especially as a recent graduate, the lack of experience will expose me to many challenges that I have never touched. I need to be responsible for all aspects of the company's operations. Therefore, the most important thing is communication and coordination. In response to this feature, I realized that it is very important to strengthen communication and communication with colleagues. If you don't understand, you will continue to strengthen your professional knowledge. I believe that through my continuous efforts, I will be able to do my job well, and at the same time contribute to the development of the company and Africa.

    I would like to ask the party organization to consider my application for rectification. I will redouble my efforts in the future study and work life, play a vanguard and exemplary role, and maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee in politics, thought, and action, and closely unite with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. A beautiful, prosperous and harmonious home is built around the Party Central Committee.
